We supported Home for Good through a brand
refresh and development of a new website.
In the UK, a child comes into care every 15 minutes. Home for Good exists to find a home for every child who needs one, raising awareness of the need for more foster or adoptive families to care for vulnerable children, and equipping the UK Church to be an excellent network of support.
Home for Good appointed Arc to design and build them a new responsive website and refresh their visual identity.
The new website was built using the Craft CMS platform which gave us the ability to build a fully bespoke website that perfectly matched the client’s needs.
It extensively utilises the Google Maps API to provide information and to direct users to relevant content. Arc's build also integrates directly with the data.gov.uk API as well as services such as SalesForce, Stripe and MailChimp.
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Tel: 01202 022330
Email: [email protected]
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